Animal Tracks – A good yarn: Knitters make sweaters for penguins after oil spill

I read this story (while at Rhinebeck) about “Blue penguins in New Zealand (that) have been soaked with oil after a container ship ran aground near the east coast of the country’s North Island earlier this month.Animal Tracks – A good yarn: Knitters make sweaters for penguins after oil spill

This is truly a bittersweet story. It’s tragic in so many ways that this happened.

The truly remarkable, faith inspiring act of countless knitters who jumped into action to knit sweaters for these penguins leaves me (almost) speechless. I wanted to knit-a-long too. However, so many sweaters were knit that the Oiled Wild Life Center has asked that no more sweaters be knit. This article claims they might not even be used.

As I googled around to see what the bottom line was, it seemed to me that people felt better knitting the little sweaters in the hopes that it would help. Just give a knitter (crocheter) a cause.